Pain Relief with Hypno-Reiki
When ongoing and uncontrolled, pain has a detrimental effect on every life aspect. Not only does it undermine well-being and interfere with functional capacity. It also hinders the ability to fulfil family and social roles and can cause high levels of anxiety and emotional distress.
Hypno-Reiki combines two powerful healing therapies, Hypnotherapy
and Reiki.
In a hypnotic state of deep relaxation, life-changing suggestions and imageries are communicated to your powerful subconscious mind for beautiful, deep life-changing transformations, while Reiki helps rebalance the natural energy flow of the body by dissolving energy blocks and increasing your vibrational frequency.
Allow your subconscious to take you to the best version of yourself while enjoying the soothing, tranquil, and intelligent power of Reiki.
In-person: 2h £220 or package of 3x2h sessions
Zoom: 2h £165 or package of 3x2h Zoom sessions £465