* If you haven't received an answer within 48h please check your Spam folder and reach out via WhatsApp.


In-person sessions are currently available in central London at  

12 Token House EC2R 7AS
minutes away from Liverpool Street Station, Finsbury Circus and Moorgate Station.

Remote sessions are held via Zoom or Google Meet.

Healing Session Types and Fees

Apart from individual sessions, multi-session packaging is also available.

By purchasing a package, you receive a nice discount and the option to ensure 

a certain date and time is set aside for you. 

You’ll be more likely to commit because it’s already paid for and scheduled in advance. All you have to do is show up!


Reiki Healing with Chakra Balancing

Includes initial consultation and debriefing
In person: 90mins £144 or 2h £188
Package of 5 x 90min sessions:  £648
Via Zoom: 90mins  £144 or  2h £188
Package of 5 x 90mins online sessions bookable in advance: £648



In Hypno-Reiki, two powerful healing therapies, 

Reiki and Hypnosis, are combined.

In a hypnotic state of deep relaxation, impactful, life-changing suggestions and imageries are gently communicated to your subconscious mind for beautiful, deep life-changing transformations and a positive, constructive approach toward life, while Reiki helps rebalance your natural energy flow by dissolving energy blocks.

Allow your subconscious and your Higher Self to connect you to your highest potential and to the life you deserve, while enjoying the soothing, tranquil, and intelligent power of Reiki


In-person: 2h £220

Package of 3 x 2h sessions: £630

Online: 2h  £200

Package of 3 x 2h online sessions: £570


Intuitive Healing With Coaching

Intuition and intention are used with powerful energy healing modalities for a boost of health, awareness, inner clarity and calmness. Includes guided meditation, imagery work, breath work and coaching.

In-person: 90mins £144   2h  £188  

Package of 5 x 90min sessions:  £648 

Online: 90mins £144  or 2h £188 

Package of 5 x 90min Zoom sessions: £648


Interactive Reiki Healing Session

A deeply harmonizing, interactive Reiki session with Chakra balancing. 

In-person: 90mins £144       2h £188

Package of 5 x 90min sessions: £648

Online: 90mins  £144       2h £188

Package of 5 x 90min Zoom sessions: £648


Distance Healing With Coaching

A unique and personalised combination of Energy Healing modalities,  guided meditation, imagery work, breath work and coaching methods.

Via Google Meet or Phone.

1h  £100     90mins £144     2h £188

Package of 5 x 90min sessions: £648


Personalised Intensive Deep Healing Session

A day of personalised, transformative, intensive in-person energy healing session, which entails  

intuitive coaching

intuitive energy healing with re-alignment

removal of energy blocks,  

Hypno-Reiki mini session

imagery work, and 

in-depth chakra balancing.

During a prior phone or Zoom consultation a unique, personalised structure is designed, according to which the healing session will unfold.

4-5h in-person session + 1h phone consultation + 2 follow-ups via Zoom or phone:  £640
Healthy snacks and drinks included


Family Healing

Flourish both as an individual and as a family unit.
The incredible effect of Reiki can be amplified when all family members are involved. 

The session starts with each individual receiving 

a mini Reiki session, 

after which the entire family gathers to share and process the experience. 

Through gentle healing modalities old hurts are released and family bonds are refreshed and strengthened for a harmonious growth as a family unit. Babies and children of any age are warmly welcome. Only available in-person.

 2h £240   3h £330 (healthy snacks and drinks provided)

Package of 3 in-person sessions 2h each: £690


Couple Healing


Bring your relationship to a whole new level and rise in love.


The session starts with both of you receiving a gentle, 

impactful Energy Healing session 

which helps dissolve energy blocks and limiting beliefs that have been holding you back in your relationship.

During the next segment of the session, you are guided through a set of powerful healing techniques, accompanied by guided mediation and imagery work, that will help remove past hurts, heal and strengthen the relationship, 

reconnecting you on a deeper, more nourishing level with your significant other.


Requirements: an open heart and a pure intention!


In-person:  2h £230   3h  £320  (snacks and drinks provided)

Package of 3 in-person sessions 2h each: £660

Online: 2h £220 

Package of 3 Zoom sessions 2h each: £630


Reiki Healing with Teaching

After a tranquil Intuitive Reiki Healing session, you will be introduced and attuned to a set of 

personalised self-healing modalities you can use after the session to support your healing. 


2h £200  

3h  £295 (healthy snacks and drinks provided)

Package of 3 x 2h in person sessions: £570

Online: 2h £200,  Package of 3x 2h Zoom sessions: £570


Pain Relief with Hypno-Reiki

Allow your subconscious to take you to a healthy state of relief and wellbeing, while dissolving self-limiting beliefs of what is possible, and reconnecting with your innate ability to heal 

through the soothing, 

tranquil and intelligent power of Reiki.

2h  £220,   3h  £300 (healthy snacks and drinks provided)

Package of 3 x 2h in person sessions: £600


Home Treatments

Please use the contact form below to see if you are eligible 

for healing sessions in the comfort of your home 

at no extra cost, 

by specifying the postal code of your local area.

 10-Week Transformative Deep Healing Program

10 Individualised Deep Healing Sessions

Includes: Intuitive Reiki Healing, Hypno-Reiki, Coaching 

and follow-ups

Prior phone consultation included


For availability and more details email info@energyhealinginlondon or use the contact form below.


Phone Consultation

30mins £ 45

1h     £80


* If you haven't received an answer within 48h please check your Spam folder and reach out via WhatsApp.     

 +44 7591583767