Healing the Inner Child

7-Week Energy Healing Program to Remove Childhood Trauma and Heal the Past

The cry we hear from deep in our hearts, comes from the wounded child within. Healing this inner child’s pain is the key to transforming anger, sadness, and fear. - Thich Nhat Hanh

Your inner child represents your first original self that entered into this world, including your ability to experience joy, wonder, innocence, creativity, sensitivity and playfulness.

There is a young, vulnerable, wounded child in each of us. We all had difficult times as children, and many of us even experienced trauma.


Some of our painful experiences are buried deep into our subconscious mind, continuing to affect the way we think, feel and behave during our adulthood life.

When we deny and repress the voice of the child within, we accumulate heavy psychological baggage. This unprocessed and unresolved baggage causes us to experience problems such as physical ailments, mental illnesses and relationship dysfunction.

Your inner child is alive and lives in you, asking for your care and love, for your gentle attention. She or he wants to be acknowledged and seen, to be accepted and loved unconditionally.


During the Healing the Inner Child program, you are going to get back in touch with your inner child, and start the journey of deeply healing them, of resolving any sources of trauma you may have been unconsciously holding on to for years, in a safe, soothing and nourishing environment.

Includes Hypno-Reiki and Chakra Healing.

Get in Touch Now

Schedule a 7 -week  Healing the Inner Child with Energy Healing program by using the contact form below.

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