After each partner receives a mini preparatory healing session to clear blockages, set the energy in a harmonious flow and increase suggestibility to the hypnotic part, you are both guided through a set of healing modalities, guided mediation and imagery work that will help strengthen and heal the relationship, reconnecting you on a deeper, more nourishing level with your significant other.
The Couple Healing Program is structured into 3 main parts:
1. Deep Soul Connection. Presence, Love and Gratitude2. Intimacy and Sexual Fulfilment3. Joyful, Nurturing, Uplifting Partnership: Abundant and United through Future Goals
Also includes Intuitive Deep Healing and Chakra Balancing.
In-person: 2h £230 Package of 3 x 2h:
£660 Package of 5 x 2h:
3h £320
Package of 3 x 3h:
£930 Package of 5 x 3h:
Via Zoom: 2h
£200 or Package of 3 x 2h:
Package of 5 x 3h: