In any given moment, your Higher Self, your very best version, that slice of Divinity through which you are connected to the universal intelligence, is gently communicating with you.
Here is what it tries to tell you right now:
1. Deeply accept and love yourself exactly as you are.
There is no one else exactly like you. You are a fascinating being, with a story to tell, a story that needs to be heard by people that are going to be helped by hearing it. Your unique energy imprint is needed in this world. You are valuable just by simply existing, by being who you are.
2. Never forget your Divine origin.
You are not a body with a soul, you are a soul having a physical experience. Divinity permeates every cell of your body and infuses you with life-force energy with every single breath. You can experience this in the still moments between your thoughts, in the silent gap between your inhales and your exhales.
3. Do not be a slave of your mind.
Do not believe belittling, discouraging thoughts. They are only remnants of past limiting beliefs given to you by someone else during childhood. You came here to have a deeply fulfilling, abundant life, and to connect with your soul purpose.
4. Suffering can strengthen the ego and make you attached to your life story.
Have you met people who are constantly complaining? Have you noticed how attached they are to their victim identity? The ego cannot survive the healthy energy of joy, acceptance, or gratitude.
5. Gratitude for what you have brings more abundance to your life.
Gratitude has a
powerful frequency, attracting abundance on all levels. Besides, the inner state of gratitude feels really good! Never let a day pass by without counting your blessings.
6. Joy clears past toxic bonds and nourishes your soul.
When you are joyous, you heal and expand. Your immune system gets a boost, and the connection to your soul is strengthened.
If for some reason, you cannot be joyous right now, it's ok. Do not force yourself to feel differently. It will come to you in its time. Simply intend to open your heart and trust you will be supported.
You can learn to be more joyous, you can learn to see around you the endless reasons to feel good.
7. Allow the wisdom of your soul to overpower a sometimes overactive mind and to guide your life.
When your mind is quiet, your soul will speak. Trust the wisdom of your soul. Move in the direction your soul wants to move.
8. You are immensely loved. There is literally so much love around you. So many people love you, whether alive or departed. Once you accept yourself fully and deeply, you'll see love flowing toward you from the most unexpected sources.
Sending you Love, Light, and Blessings, now and always!
Guided Healing Meditations and Programs
My guided Healing Meditations and Programs are now available on all major audiobook platforms.
Healing the Past
Healing the Past is an 8-week guided meditation program to help heal the hurts and
traumas of the past, dissolve toxic bonds and emotional attachments, and step
into a vibrant present full of possibilities.
The Secret Within You is a collection of eight gentle yet powerful guided healing meditations to help clear energy blocks, heal, strengthen, nourish and refresh you on all levels.
The Secret Within You contains the following guided meditations:
1. Your Sacred Body of Light: Guided Self-Healing Meditation for Vibrant Health and Wellbeing
2. Like a Flowing River: Guided Healing Meditation for Dissolving Energy Blocks and Harmonising the Body's Energy Flow
3. Peacefully Present: Guided Grounding Meditation for Deep Tranquillity and Connecting to Your Inner Stillness to Dissolve Stress, Overthinking, and Fears
4. Incredible Immunity: Guided Healing Meditation for a Powerful Immune System Boost
5. Bathing in Frequencies of Wellbeing: Guided Healing Meditation for Pain Relief
6. The Healing Sun: Guided Healing Meditation for Healing the Solar Plexus and Regaining Your Purpose, Inner Power, and Confidence
7. Healing the Heart: Guided Healing Meditation for Dissolving Painful Emotions and Past Traumas, Healing the Inner Child, Soul Forgiveness, Deep Self-Acceptance, and Opening up to Love
8. Connected to Your Inner Guidance: Guided Healing Meditation for Strengthening Intuition through Opening the Third Eye